Tr2d [Trudi] — tracking in 2d

This is a very preliminary page for a next generation object tracker for the life sciences.


  1. Please go to and download the latest version of the Gurobi Optimizer.
  2. Follow the instructions here in order to obtain a valid Gurobi license. (You want an Academic License, NOT an Evaluation License!)
  3. Download and install Fiji. (On Windows you’ll download a zip file which you can unpack and put wherever you want, eg. your desktop.)
  4. Start Fiji and start the updater (Help – Update…).
    • click on ‘Manage update sites’, scroll down, and check the box next to ‘Tr2d’.
    • click ‘Close’
    • click ‘Apply changes’
  5. Restart Fiji.
  6. You will now find Tr2d under ‘Plugins – Tracking – Tr2d…’

Additional steps on Windows and Linux

  1. Download these two files: gurobi.jar and libGurobiJni65.jnilib (this might be the wrong version, you an also find it in your gurobi installation).
  2. Copy them into the ‘’ folder you downloaded earlier, for Windows this is at ‘…/’. (Note that the path for Linux replaces ‘win64’.)

How to use trad

After you installed Tr2d and started it, you will be asked to either locate a TIFF file to start with, or a tr2d Project Folder.

More details will be posted on this page soon(ish).


Florian Jug (